Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Landmark Communications: Sale

Haven't posted anything since Q4...and guilty of simply spending time with the kids (new addition info soon) and ramping up a pipeline for Digital Element. (Have I mentioned this group of folks in Atlanta are awesome?).

Anyways, the big news from our parent company, whom after 100+ years as a private and family owned Media Giant is selling, is that the Weather Channel (and are looking to fetch $5 Billion dollars. Amazing huh...!! Most experts don't believe the current list of suitors, (NBC Universal, Time Warner, CBS, and Comcast) will actually pay the proposed market price, but nonetheless, the vast reach of and the growth of brand savvy Weather Channel folks could be optimized a great deal with the right marketing engine/expertise.

Outside of the big sale news (our unit being looked at by Microsoft and others) things are going well. The pipeline is growing and serious potential buyers identified. More to come...

What do some of you think about the valuation for The Weather Channel? If really gravitates to over 10% of the overall Internet traffic and can be monetized in some way outside of ads, the going rate may not be out of the question....

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