Saturday, May 12, 2007

Keep your Butts to Yourself...

1. My apologies for not posting in some time.
2. Screw you, I have been really busy.
3. Read this article:

I have witnesses to this...and I am proud to say I have actually stopped people on the road in their cars after they have thrown cigarette butts out the window. I simply ask them a question, "Does that car happen to have an ashtray??" Most of the time the not so surprising answer is, "why yes it does!" My response,"then why the hell don't you use it!!!"

Listen people, I don't care if you smoke. Hell, I don't care if you smoke 5000 of them a day, get cancer and die slowly. You choose to smoke, and therefore are choosing to play with the fire. Honestly, I don't even mind the smoking in bars (but it is nice to not smell like an ashtray when you leave). At the end of the day...smoking is a choice, and you have the right to choose. DO NOT have the right to spread your butts all over nature. That's its clearest form. Littering sucks folks....plain and simple, it's wrong. Littering with your cigarette butts, that are not biodegradable is even worse.

Cars have ashtrays, so do bars and restaurants, USE THEM.

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