Hey...I'm Justin. I'm a husband, devoted father, and I often have too much to say. Maybe if I write more, I will talk less? Maybe not. Either way, I hope you read, enjoy and share your thoughts. Family, funny, sports, and anything outside is exciting to me and I hope to share as much as I can. Be well, work hard, laugh often, and make good decisions!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Parenting...(who's life is it?)
Our son Andrew will be two in January, and his sister Sofia will be born two weeks after. Maybe it's the euphoric bliss you experience the first year of parenting that blinds you some, but it's hard to look back and think about anything for yourself....? Maybe it's just us, but I have to believe there are other parents out there that find this the norm.
I just shared in a story with a colleague/mentor of mine too, where he traveled 4 hours to spend time with a close friend (whom lost a child, 17 years old, 7 weeks ago, sad) who is mourning, then go to a wedding, and head home. His trip was interrupted by a call that his youngest son (also 17) was ill back home. Now the plan is to skip the wedding and take care of family at home.
It's confirmed in my book....if you truly value being a parent, your children's lives will become yours. The first new bike, the first big fall, the first poop (we had a first pee yesterday, hilarious)...and then all the other firsts that come later; school, girls/boys, dances, football games, etc. Even now with a pre-2 year old I just want 5 minutes inside his head....it's fascinating really. I think about, what he thinks about all too often.
My selfishness these days relates to my lack of patience for Drew to grow-up....and although that means skipping through, or fast-forwarding time some, it doesn't ever mean I want to experience something without him (and soon Sofia). It makes me proud to say/type that too....and reconfirms my thought. You will know that you have the makings to be a good parent, when you KNOW that their lives, their experiences, are more valuable at this time than yours are.
All for now-
Papa Skogie
Friday, November 09, 2007
Rising Technologies
First, my new firm is Digital Element (a sister company to DigitalEnvoy) and child companies to Landmark Communications (http://www.digitalenvoy.net/news/press_releases/2005/pr_071207.html). We specialize in IP Intelligence and GeoLocation Technologies.
Essentially, we supply data to websites of all kinds (ad networks, retail, e-com, manufacturing, telecom, etc) as a medium to better position ads, content, products, and promotions to their web visitors. We have an esteemed client list: ESPN.com, Disney.com, Deloitte.com, NYTimes.com, AOL, YouTube, DoubleClick, Microsoft, and many many more.
As an example of where you might see out technology; when/if you watch Sports Center on ESPN Networks, they often have a "question of the night". The results are polled by state so you can see the red-blue variations and know how various regions voted. The technology that allows them to differentiate a users online vote is what we provide.
We can also eliminate those "choose your country" pages from global sites and route the appropriate landing page to a user in any country globally with 99.9% accuracy. On the retail side, we can eliminate the "store locator" by zip code boxes. We can allow a retail firm to position the local store details in a margin on the landing page...down to a zip code/metro area locale.
Fun stuff!
Moving on to new technology....Rebekah Wu of Right-hand Partners (Bay Area) previously sent out great updates and intel on the technology environment. After a hiatus of sorts, she has returned to her efforts and sprang a new search engine on her crowd today.
Sproose (www.sproose.com) is a fantastic new search portal where users' feedback determines the placement of search results. I think this concept is fantastic and will resonate will with the social networking types everywhere. In addition (as I am not a social net worker by definition), it will pave the way for 'normal' web searchers (maybe a better term is casual?) with the feedback they need to make decisions about their results.
When I search for a golf course, or popular eatery, I want feedback from real people...and I want to know that a particular result is at the top of the page, not based on how much they paid for the ad-space, but more importantly, because other users/searchers, found the crab cakes spectacular.
As with most things logical....Sproose.com just makes a lot of sense!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Back to Work...
I trust all had a great weekend.....and let's move that forward to a splendid Monday!
-Papa Skogie
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
WebEx: Where not to Interview
Since mid August I have been applying to, interviewing for, and meeting with numerous people to lock down that perfect job. Having been employed steadily since 2001, and never truly having been through the 'traditional' interview process, I was both disgusted and impressed with many firms and people.
My goal here is not to bash companies or people, but to make others aware of the true intentions I believe hiring people/firms have....based solely on my experiences. There's no way in hell each person's experiences will be the same....but I hope this can help someone.
First of all, consult with a recruiter or two. Although my overall impression of the recruiting business is not a good one, some of these people truly care about your efforts and the clients they represent. Try to find someone that works for themselves (contractor, or own their own firm)....they tend to work harder for you and prepare you better. In fact, I was lucky to have worked with a woman in VA (Jane Snipes) who was referred to me by a colleague. Although Jane could not help me directly with placement, she was EXTREMELY helpful with my resume organization/creation......if anyone would like her assistance, contact me, and I will arrange for an introduction....she is truly a wonderful person. However, I also spoke with, shared emails with, and actually relied upon a number of so called recruiters who never called back, never followed through on calls or verbal promises, and whom set up a time to have a phone interview that never happened. People....all people....listen....if you tell someone you are going to call them back for any reason, or regardless of a decision, CALL. I have been in sales for almost 8 years now...even if you are calling me back to tell me I am an asshole and the worst salesperson in history...it would be NICE!
Interviews....ahhh, so much fun! I actually enjoy interviews (at least the first 5-6). Speaking candidly about ones self is not easy...and finding a way to do so effectively, without sounding like a jackass is tough. I found that trying to ask as many questions DURING those being asked of you helps. You are a real person (I assume), so there's no way you can effectively share with someone who you are without interactive conversation (two way). Most of my interviews went well, honestly all but one. There was one interview in particular that I could tell when I walked in the door was not going to go well......I just knew that it wasn't the place for me. Not to sound like a prick, but when you feel/know/believe you are 100% more qualified to do a job than the hiring manager, that's a good sign to RUN.
Those interviews that went well for me usually ended up with a second call/meeting. Only a few times were there more than 2 correspondences....and in those cases there was always talk of an offer of some kind. After a while though, the process of asking some of the same questions over and over again gets really OLD FAST.
One particular process, which was long (WAY TOO LONG), and tedious in my book was WebEx. I was told by numerous sales people that working at WebEx was not so great. I went into the process with them (they contacted me about my resume early in my process) with an open mind.....and remained positive and willing to learn/listen. My first contact was with an HR/recruiting person who was helpful, nice to talk with, and encouraging/excited about where she worked. She arranged for a phone conversation with a hiring manager (whom she referred to as 'green') (not a good sign if you ask me). I spoke with said manager for 10 minutes tops, where he spoke so quickly that I am sure he drank half a Folder's bean field by 10am that morning. He closed by asking me to review a website or two (WebEx partners) and that we would have a more formal phone interview the following week.
Not only did this manager not contact me to confirm the date/time even after I emailed him and left a vm (I had to call him), he started the call (once we came to connect) with some "role playing". Ok, role playing is great for those of you that are graduating from college and preparing for your first interviews....but role playing is about as junior a sales tactic as there is. Asking someone to role play selling you a product they reviewed online for an hour or two is a train wreck waiting to happen.....and even should it go very well, tells nothing of one's ability to sell. The so called manager closed the call with his unimpressed thoughts, and confusion as to why I didn't try to close him on the phone immediately. Response: if this was role playing (and supposedly a "warm call", why would I close you when I know nothing about pricing, terms, contractual processes, and/or legal ramifications? I guess when the HR lady referred to this person as 'green' she really meant completely lacking true managerial skills.
Moving on with WebEx, even though my call did not go well....I was asked to apply with another group....because they believed I had the skills and value they were looking for. I then spoke with another manager....over the phone first. This gent was much more in line with my vision (I believe my vision is close to reality...really) of true management. He was structured, honest, and motivated to have his team succeed. He was also very frank with me about the opening and expectations. We agreed to meet in their offices where I would have a chance to share time with his team, managers, etc. All of this was arranged, I had to take another web related step, answer questions and basically apply all over again (terrible process really). Note: keep in mind, through this entire process, every person I spoke with talked more about Cisco (Cisco bought WebEx earlier this year) than they did WebEx. Kool-Aid was flowing like the Colorado River 500 years ago.....
I went to the Sac offices of WebEx ready to speak with three specific people. The first guy I spoke with was cool....no BS just getting to know one another type conversations....numbers, comp plan, expectations and personal info.....really he was the best part of the process. Then his Director (same guy from second phone interview). Good guy really....made some money I am sure, successful, but not driven enough for me to rely on as a leader. Lastly....your predictable, "I made $300K here in one year and you can too if you work as hard as I did..." kind of guy.
At the end of the day...I knew I wasn't going to work there regardless of the outcome....however, the best part of it all is what happens on my way out the door. I spoke again with the same HR lady that started me off in the process. We walked out together to the parking lot, having great conversations about numerous things. She made a point to tell me how much people enjoyed chatting with me and that I would have their next step by the next day (this was a Thursday). Friday came and went...Monday too. (again, being in sales for a long time, you give Mondays and Fridays away). Tuesday came and went as well....no call, no email, no nothing.
When Thursday came, I sent an email to the HR lady simply to inquire about the process and any feedback....nothing came back. Two weeks went by and I didn't care so much about the job or the feedback at all, I simply wanted the principle of the situation justified. They never returned a call, email or anything, not even to tell me to go to hell. I spent at least 3 full days of my life on the WebEx interview process....and they didn't have the decency to even tell me I wasn't worth calling back or being offered a job. For a company that spoke so highly of their new parent company, and occassionally of themselves, they sure need a strong lesson in professionalism.
At the end of the day folks....job hunting can be as cruel as deer hunting. You can hunt, search, track and dedicate yourself to the process for weeks...and come up with nothing. You can however enjoy your time, learn, and keep trecking.....eventually your buck will rise up out of the brush and BANG!
To show I am not simply a bashing blogger....I did interview with some great firms with great people. Most notably, Palamida out of San Francisco. When they said they would call, they did. When they weren't sure if they could move forward with an offer, they were honest (and called). When we met, they were bright, strong, dedicated, and professional. The people at Travidia were also very nice (although the job just wasn't even close to offering enough in compensation). At the end, I found a great job with an even better group of people.....for now they will remain un-named....but believe me...you'll hear a lot about us very soon!!!!
Good luck job hunters....and no matter what, don't settle, or let some so called manager/recruiter tell you what your value is.....chances are there are folks out there that have a lot less to offer and have gotten farther on pure Bullshit!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Bishop's Pumpkin Farm; A Great Start to October!

I've always loved October. For a sports fan it doesn't get much better. The playoffs are in full swing in the majors (GO Indians!!!), (Cubs go home), the NFL is a quarter of the way through the season and teams are solidifying themselves, the leaves are changing, high schools are preparing for homecomings, the air is cool, and for those that enjoy it, the NBA gets started in camp.
Having lived nearly all my life in the great cheeselands of WI, I especially have love for the farmers who harvest much of their efforts in late Sept. early Oct. Now living in CA, the same is true. Wineries/Vineyards have trimmed the fruit from the vines in preparation for this years vintage....possibly a great one! Peaches, apples, walnuts, sunflowers, all strongly represented here in the valleys are picked processed and prepared for our liking and purchase.
We Skogen's began celebrating the fall season yesterday at a VERY COOL place called Bishop's Pumpkin Farm in Wheatland, CA. What a great place!!! $8 for parking (sounds crazy expensive I know...BUT)....there's no other admission fees and there's plenty to do for kids that doesn't cost a dime (pig races, 30 minute show, jungle gym like contraptions to climb on/over/through, classic tractors to climb on and pretend to ride, petting areas (goats, pigs, cows, donkey, etc), corn maze, and of course a hay ride through the pumpkin patch....where, mind you, every pumpkin is as big or bigger than the one pictured above! NO LIE!)
Also offered for a fee (nominal really) is a train ride (real train, tracks, and sites to see), pony rides (we'll do that next time, the line never seemed to move), and the harvest bakery which smelled like I can only hope heaven does should I make it there. They make all of the baked goods with the home grown goods on site. The pumpkin pie was amazing, apple/pumpkin muffins (I just swallowed one now...and another one is within reach), fresh squeezed lemonade, literally squeezed in front of you, in your cup, roasted sweet corn, and an October tradition, Carmel apples!!!
Anyone close to this area must visit this attraction. Frankly, Wheatland doesn't offer anything else, but this place is a gem for all to enjoy. I would STRONGLY recommend this place to anyone.
All this talk of fall, food, and crsip air must yield some football chatter too. The Badgers dropped a game to Illinois yesterday (literally dropped). Two bad INT's, a missed FG, and continued bad coaching on the "D" side of the ball cost the Badgers a top 3 bid. Someone please explain to me how Bret B was such a "D" genius last year, and with 9 returning starters he cannot stop ANYTHING at all??? Two weeks in a row one play beat UW. Last week against MSU it was the swing pass to the flat (RB or WR). This week it was Illinois option from the shotgun, split formation. This is football 101 kids...not just I, but may a couch coaches across the US could have made that adjustment. Bret B fails to make this happen and it bit him in the pumpkin this week....maybe costing UW a shot at the big one.
4 teams in the NFL remain undefeated, and all should stay that way in week 5. The Packers have the toughest test, but I am confident that they will win....and that they are just plain BETTER than CHICAGO on BOTH sides of the ball. That's right...forget stats/rankings, etc...the Packer's "D" has been better. My only fear is that the Pack will allow Hester to touch the ball on Special Teams. My advice to coach, DO NOT KICK TO HESTER!!!
Lastly...I must praise the D-Back of MLB....they did what I predicted they would do and rid the playoffs of the unworthy Cubs. Don't take this all to be bitter banter over the Brewers choking down the stretch (actually the Mets choked WOW, the Crew just phased out), I just didn't believe that any team from the NL Central belonged in the playoffs. The Cubs are not a good baseball team, and this will bode true again next year when the Brewers and Cards battle it out.
Enough for today....I am gearing up to watch my new favorite player (Vince Young) take on the Falcons. Don't sleep on this one kids...I see Atlanta covering the 7.5 point spread today, that new style is good for them, they cannot beat anyone in the trenches.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Upset Weekend....Sunday Preview
Yesterdays games were unreal. 5 of the top 10 teams in the nation dropped games to 'lesser' opponents. Florida, looking for revenge at home against Auburn lost it late, WVU now has a team they cannot beat in SFU, Texas stunned, OK shocked, and even USC getting scared in WA. It was great....and if you are going to lose money, it's great to be able to smile afterwards.
It just goes to show you that true fans love football so much that they would 'pay' to see great games.
Moving on to Sunday....I am hoping to see my beloved Packers stay unbeaten, the Bears lose again, and hopefully the Benglas cover the spread on MNF. Another big game here at home in CA is the Niners and the Hawks...where my wife hopes the Niners can take that next step and beat the 'best' team in their division. Look out for that Niner "D" this year....adding a true shutdown corner has made all the difference. Nate Clements is worth every penny he receives.
Brett Favre....should break the TD record today, but people in GB don't really care. We want a W, and a chance for one more trophy in Titletown. Sharing in my picks today (careful, as read earlier, I lost everything yesterday):
Bengals to cover (7) MNF
Eagles to W
Colts to W
Steelers to cover
49ers to W
Bucs to W
Bills to W
Texans to W
Raiders to W
Good luck to all this Sunday (except you Bear fans, Viking fans, and Packer haters).
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Donovan McNabb; Mr. Race Card
Part of this is Philadelphia's fault....they have (next to Oakland) some of the worst sports fans in history. BUT, the rest of it is McNabb's fault.
Ok, there are 6 black, starting QB's in the NFL today (Garrard, Jackson, McNair, Young, Campbell, and McNabb). That accounts for 20% of the leagues QB's. If you ask me, there should only be 5, Jackson isn't getting it done in Minn., and back-up McMahon gives them the best shot to win games now. McNabb's comments this week raise two issues for me....
1. DON'T PLAY A RACE CARD ANY MORE, EVER! This shit has to stop.....Are you going to try to explain to me why every starting RB in the NFL is black? Why nearly every DL-man is black, why EVERY CB in the NFL is black? Please also explain to me how often your every day NFL fan (me included) even thinks about what color the guys are on his favorite team? Guess what folks, outside of the few remaining assholes out there that use race in sports as a distinguishing characteristic, it happens very little. Donovan's use of the race card here is because he doesn't want to admit his team is just not playing good football, and as the QB (white, black, purple or grey) he is at the center of the criticism. As he should be too. He hasn't played well at all....and his MNF appearance this week was proof. He couldn't hit guys when he needed too, guys that were open, and guys that could have scored to give Philly a solid chance of winning the game. (For the record, I don't like Rush Limbaugh....but what he said on ESPN wasn't wrong, he just shouldn't have said it in that forum, leave it for the radio show dumbass).
2. McNabb has balls....and saying that guys like Carson Palmer, and Peyton Manning, "..don't get criticized as much as we do. They just don't." Is McNabb right?? You BET!!! Why? Because those guys are MUCH BETTER than ALL of the black QB's in the NFL. Criticizm when you are a QB is inevitable when you don't win, lead your team, and put up numbers.....hence why those mentioned above, and the following: JP Losman, Drew Brees, Chad Pennington, Trent Green, Damon Huard, Phillip Rivers, Eli Manning, Rex Grossman, etc are all experiencing strong criticism for their recent play.
Wake up Donovan, play like we all know you are capable, lead your team, and shut your mouth. If you want to make excuses about your play...ask your GM for a WR or two, or some better protection....but DON'T use the race card to attempt to cover up your poor play. One of your peers (Vince Young), has made mistakes, owns up to them, and does his damn job on the field...and guess what I don't hear his name being brought up in the criticism section of the paper every Monday??? Coincidence? Nope....he's playing great ball.
At the end of the day I don't give a hoot what color, size, or shape the guys are that play for the Packers...I want the team to WIN. Score 10 points a week, look like hell, play boring ball, but if you are 10-6 and playing for a shot at a ring...I'll be thrilled! Bring Donovan McNabb in to take over for Favre....just make sure he leaves his race card in Philly....Packer fans don't care what color you are, you just need to do your damn job.
I'm outta here...I need to go criticize my GREEN rake for not making the grade....I think I will bench it...and bring out the blue one!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Legendary Sunday

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Notre Dame's Next Head Coach!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I wanna be a Toys R Us Kid!

Friday, July 13, 2007
WHO's NOW??? Not ESPN!
Now that I see the light, I am equally irritated with ESPN. I have agreed over time that guys like Berman, Scott, Mayne, and others are washed up, but I have always LOVED SportsCenter and other sports segments on the network.
This new segment however, has change my mind althogether. Let me start by saying I cannot stand the state of our nation's media, and its continued focus on pop culture....read my blog....you'll see this quickly. Pop culture blows...and the media keeps shooting the Barry Bonds juices right through the veins of this monster.
WHO'S NOW?? Are they serious with this garbage? This is the worst time of the year for sports, I know....baseball All-Star Break, three days with no major events, no NBA, no NFL, and still half a season of MLB games before we really know who plays in October (hold on Brew Crew, hold on). Golf majors are limited, a few weeks out yet, an no Tiger (he's changing diapers, or napkins as Nick Price would say). I get this...I know it's tough to plan a whole show with little to cover....but this new shit is garbage....absolute trash.
You'd think these guys in CT could hire some of the overhyped Ivy Leaguer's to creatively spin new cool sports 'stuff' (my Ivy League venacular)....but no, we get stuck with comparing pop culture hysteria with on field genius. How fun....let's get together and compare who's cooler Danica Patrick or Reggie Bush?? After a few drinks this may end up funny (Danica's Bush anyone??) but at the end of the day it's ridiculous. They both wear diamond earings, both may well appeal to the opposite sex, but one wins and helps his team, and the other is simply a poster child to help save open car racing....
SportsCenter really took a dive here in my opinion....this is junk TV....if you wanted to see this kind of crap you can watch E!...they do a pop culture review ever 31 minutes and tell you who wears panties and who doesn't, when the Beckam's got off the airplane in LA, what color Tiger's daughter's shit was today, etc. When we watch SportsCenter we want to see SPORTS, HIGHLIGHTS, 'expert' analysis...etc (FYI: I don't care how many pairs of panties dropped when Harold Reynold's was still employed by the network, I haven't watched Baseball Tonight since he left, he was the best guy going, in any sport on the team).
Who's Now? I cannot get over it.....and I cannot see how it can ever be cool. Not only is it fundamentally wrong (imagine kids, teens, etc....more bling, more money, more tropies = much more cool) but it makes zero sense. How many of us care about the public image between two superstars? Sure, you have exceptions (Bonds/Balco, Jeremy Shockey (poor tact), Marlins owner (Ishiro comments, what a dooshbag too), etc....) but at the end of the day we want to see what these folks do best....even I want to see Bonds crack HR's (even though I know he's really 100 or so behind the greatest HR hitter ever). He's an asshole...yes, a cheater, yes, but the guy can hit a baseball as well as anyone since the game began....never been denied.
Can I compare him to Tom Brady?? Sure:
Barry: head grew three fold after steroids, Serra High, will hold major records in his sport, never won a ring, and never will, is getting older by the minute, acts like an ass, has three kids (maybe more somewhere), committed perjury to a grand jury, owes MLB and its fans an apology, is one of the greatest baseball players ever.
Tommy: head grew too, but figuratively, Serra High, has two kids, two differnet mommas (maybe more somewhere), still young, needs to borrow steroids from Bonds to throw ball farther than 8th graders, has 3 rings, but won't win more, will be remembered for clutch play in big games (and tuck rule that stole ring #1).
Who wins...?? Not sure but I know two guys that could hack it out if they wanted to. The point here is that ESPN needs help and fast. If they are going to lean on pop culture to fill a show...they lost me as a viewer, and I am sure there are others that feel the same. Hopefully there are enough of us to force a change....
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Interesting Reads....Comments too...
This first piece is interesting to me. I don't follow the happenings on Capital Hill all too often, but now and again I dive in to see what our poor excuse for leadership is up to. This article, plastered all over the web this morning brings up a big and controversial issue.....hypocrisy in politics. We know it exists, it happens everyday....but Mike Rogers has taken things to a personal level, and distributed that info for the masses.
Mike is a closet cleaner (my definition). He exposes politicians who are 'allegedly' gay, yet who seem to stay on a republican track to limit and hinder gay rights. It seems only republican to have your gay colleagues working against there own cause, and then heading home to share in their gay lives. I suppose being openly gay as a republican isn't too great for your job security and advancement...just ask Dan Gurley....old George wasn't having him on his team once the news rolled out about his choice in lovers. And then well published Mr. Foley....what a dipshit this guy was. Online dirty chats with under aged young men....
I am all for gay politicians....I personally have found that gay folks are much less apt to lie...stereotype, maybe....but why not have a politician that is bluntly honest, rather than sneaky and full of shit.
Back to Rogers and his public closet cleaning.....I have no real issue with it. If the politician was elected by voters who assumed he was straight...then he/she was dishonest to begin with....how good would you feel knowing that as a voter/supporter to that campaign? I'd be pissed....not because of the chosen sexuality of the candidate, but because of the lies, and misleading facts.
I hope Rogers continues to label these people...and I wish someone else would kick around the idea of starting a full site dedicated to all the folks on Capital Hill....especially the guy in charge....let's all work together to clean up the entire house, not just the closets. Gay, straight, bi, or whatever other label you want to have sexually, a liar is a liar folks...and there are way to many damn liars in Washington. Keep up the good work Mike....
The second article I read this morning was space related....yeah stars, planets, solar systems, etc....SPACE. Do any of you have any clue how much money this country spends on space travel and research?? Check this out:
"Taxpayers around the world pay $25 billion in taxes every year for civilian government space activities - but barely 2% of that money is spent on trying to reduce the cost of travel to space! Yet less than one single year of that spending would be enough to develop passenger launch vehicles, and to open space up to us, the general public - who are the people paying all those taxes, year after year!"
site: http://www.spacefuture.com/about.shtml
This figure doesn't even take into consideration the billions of dollars that our US Gov't funds to space travel, research, etc.....come on already. This country has trillions of dollars of debt, homeless, jobs outsourced at incredible rates to under-developed countries, rising interest rates, poor housing markets, yada yada yada, and we spend billions on playing games in outerspace??? Hell, for all the money, I believe the quote above is correct....since we as taxpayers fund all that cool scientific bullshit, that has led to nothing to improve the quality of our lives, we should get to go see it.
Between space and global warming research, we could really do some great things to improve education, health care, and our overall economy. My solution...take half the money spent on space each year and find a way to build larger reserves of water in this country. It won't be long before the western half of the US has a shortage....and of course, our gov't leaders are in reactive, rather than proactive mode....
Lastly....the Duke Lacrosse saga continues.....now with the right guy on the stand. Why is there even a question about the disbarment of this asswipe??? Why do we need to use more tax dollars, court fees, etc to make a very easy decision??? This guy did his job worse that one could imagine, and in doing so, damaged the lives of three college kids forever....
Shit, if I acted like a complete jerk-off on a sales call, or a meeting with a customer, I would lose my job that afternoon....no pay, no apologies, go home and start learning the McDonald's handbook. Fire this guy, take his license away to practice anything law related and hand him the pink paper....plain and simple.
Also, grab that pole dancing hoochie and put her in jail too....or at least put her in a building with padded wall rooms and white robed doctors to find out what her problem is....better yet, put her and Nifong in the same clinic...they can take meds together, play checkers and take walks with their ankle bracelets....
Friday, June 01, 2007
Random Thoughts Friday
Here are some updates that span from coast to coast:
- Barry Bonds needs a day off every three games and is batting less than .250 over the last month with only 1 HR. I LOVE IT....now he is in NY, and can't seem to reach base at all.
- Clint, good ole boy, was named Employee of the Month at Wal-Mart Distribution in May...CONGRATS!
- My good buddy Albert and his lovely new bride tied it up two weeks ago, and should have just gotten home from a great trip to Hawaii, and my favorite island of Kauai. Thanks for the pineapple kid!
- The new Skogen house is coming along...our pre-drywall walk through is June 5th!!
- Damn interests rates are on the rise...where's a good ole market crasher speech from Greenspan when you need it?
- The Brewers are still in 1st place kids. They have struggled some of late (bullpen sucks, time for Turnbow to go) but the central is anyone's to take this year.
- As of today, JJ Hardy is the National League MVP, and he makes a whopping $400K a year!!!
In other news...I just read an article about a group of Indian lawyers in Arga that tied a man to a tree outside a courthouse and beat him silly. Why?? Because he wouldn't marry the niece of one of the lawyers. After reading this and thinking twice...all I could come up with was the fact that that broad must have been really ugly!!!
Until next time....
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Is it time for Favre to sail away???

Hot topic this week after Favre's angry comments about how management failed to lure Randy Moss prior to and during this year's draft.
Go to espn.com and listen to the Big Show podcast with Olbermann and Patrick. I used to like Oberman, and for the first time sided with Patrick.
I am a Packer fan and somewhat biased. HOWEVER, I am the first guy in line to smack Favre for his prayer long balls, his double coverage mistakes, and his tendency to try to "fit it in" with that arm that doesn't seem to have faded over the years. The question here is is it time to walk away....and my answer is simple...NO.
Before I justify my response, let's talk over the podcast topics. Patrick figures Favre is still a top ten QB in the NFL....hard to argue, yet Olbermann says there's no chance. Here is a list of the guys that Olbermann feels are better today (and my thought):
Manning (agree), Palmer (agree), Brady (I'll catch hell, but I agree today), Bulger (no), Brees (no), Vick (no), McNair (no), Hasslebeck (no), Big Ben (no), Rivers (not a chance), Pennington (no), Romo (no, Olbermann said if Favre went to Dallas, he would play Romo), Eli (no way), JP Losman and Grossman were "maybe" and Jake Delhomme was the first that Olbermann said was not as good as Brett.
Listen people, I will make this simple for all. Brett Favre IS, plain and simple one of the best 3 QB's to ever play football....PERIOD. Of the guys above, only one of them will be in that category at the end of his career....and one other close (Manning and Brady respectively). Manning may just lead that group in my mind, and Brady will be in there because he has hardware...although like Montana he played on GREAT teams....but he's solid.
Favre is also still performing very well on a young team that lacks offensive weapons and a running game. Favre has earned the right to complain about Ted T's lack of moves and effort to increase the potency of the offense.....as have all of us cheese-head fans. The Packers were 8-8 last year, had three losses by a combined 8 points, and won 4 straight to end the season, beating a full first squad Chicago team (in Chicago) to close it out. To think that any QB on the Packer roster, or any QB other than Brady or Manning could come in there and make this a playoff team is possible...but my thought is that Favre can do it this year.
The 06 Packers were average, and began the climb to playoff potential late. The NFC still sucks ass, and will provide an open door to any team that can be competitive week in and week out. I think the Packer's D is better, young, and talented. If they can somehow find a running game, and score a few more points, they can play in January....and you can bet Favre can still do what it takes to win then.
Provided I am wrong this year, then yes, Farve should take his records, ring, and legend to Canton....and call it a career. All I ask is that Aaron Roger isn't the guy that takes over...I bet Randy Wright still has more arm than that CA kid...
Either way Keith O needs to get off the Kallio diet and stick to his new day job on politics, not sports....(I knew there was a reason he moved over the fence....his sports knowledge is as solid as Hugh Hefner without the little blue pill).
Back to WI this weekend for a blessed union of friends....see you all soon!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Keep your Butts to Yourself...
2. Screw you, I have been really busy.
3. Read this article: http://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Butts.html
I have witnesses to this...and I am proud to say I have actually stopped people on the road in their cars after they have thrown cigarette butts out the window. I simply ask them a question, "Does that car happen to have an ashtray??" Most of the time the not so surprising answer is, "why yes it does!" My response,"then why the hell don't you use it!!!"
Listen people, I don't care if you smoke. Hell, I don't care if you smoke 5000 of them a day, get cancer and die slowly. You choose to smoke, and therefore are choosing to play with the fire. Honestly, I don't even mind the smoking in bars (but it is nice to not smell like an ashtray when you leave). At the end of the day...smoking is a choice, and you have the right to choose.
HOW-F-ING-EVER.....you DO NOT have the right to spread your butts all over nature. That's bullshit...in its clearest form. Littering sucks folks....plain and simple, it's wrong. Littering with your cigarette butts, that are not biodegradable is even worse.
Cars have ashtrays, so do bars and restaurants, USE THEM.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Traveling Thoughs....
Being the 'experienced' traveler....I drove the family car out (packed tightly with the valuables you wouldn't trust a moving company with) and little bro followed in his car behind. Mom and Drew took the plane with Gramma....
I have driven from WI to CA now four times (three times on Hwy 80, and the other heading south through AZ, NM, etc. What I find amazing about these trips (as I type in Reno, on the last short leg of this journey) is how much the world changes. When you drive for 25 hours in two days, you tend to think about anything and everything. My thoughts traveled as far as the car did this time.....
First, technology is amazing. Cells phones and coverage have changed the security, and landscape of long distance travel. Walkie Talkies can now transmit dialogue over 10+ miles....(BTW, if you do road trip with multiple vehicles, invest in these...it makes things more fun and safe).....and you never really need to take a day off work if you rely on a pc. There's cell coverage in Wyoming (yes sir, even cowboys carry them), there's wireless, or high-speed Internet at every hotel, and our cars now tell us exactly how many miles we can travel on a tank of gas. I truly cannot begin to imagine what it was like to travel this way in a 1950's Ford, on a dirt road, where the next gas station may not be for a hundred or two miles.....and should you not make that station...the walk is inevitable. Props to the early travelers for sure....
Secondly, time in the car is great when you are under stress. We are building a home, moving across the country, renting another home, using a moving company, etc... This can weigh on folks fast....trust me on this. Being in the car, thinking about things over and over, one can come to conclusions and debate well. I ran through things time and time again...and always seemed to come to the same conclusion (much thanks to the lady at the BP station in far west Nebraska); We all have way too much to be thankful for to sweat the THINGS in life. I have a beautiful kid who's personality is growing everyday.....I have a spectacular wife who deals with my BS and takes care of us all....and I have a family that will truly miss my bro and I back home. My new house could crumble...the moving company dump my shit somewhere in Nevada's desert, and my car not start ever again, and I will still be winning the race of life. Folks, when you think things are overwhelming, you get bogged down some (not to sound like shitbag Dr. Phil here), really think about what you HAVE....not what you can replace...it's a great motivator.
Moving on.....never say good-bye. Thinking through this in Colorado...I am sticking to my ways. I am not a good-bye person. Good-byes, well they suck. Good-bye to me is, so long...not going to see your ass again. Good-bye is when you say, we'll see you soon, and you are full of shit. I don't say it....hug, hand shake, and a "until next time" works well for me. Leaving a place where you grew up (again), where you built life-long friendships, is not easy....don't add to the difficulty with a shitty good-bye.
Speaking of friends...Clint James...you are a damn good one. I have been blessed with many good ones...and a handful of GREAT. Good thing I have two hands...cuz a new one was added. You always say it big guy...."I owe you one...or more."
Lastly for now (need breakfast soon), Harvey. Harvey is the Skogen family pet. He's a skittish cat, now 6 years old, who spends a lot of his life under the bed, in his self-made hammock (he rips a hole in the box spring cover and settles in. This is also his, "they are coming to take me to the vet or on a plane again!!!! RUN!" place to hide. Harvey found this place at my mom's house and didn't want to make the trip on the plane. To make a long story short....even my "highly experienced" neighbor couldn't help my mother-in-law, wife, and mother to get him in the travel bag. In fact he bit my mom, and refused, angrily, to cooperate. He'll make it out here on a plane, but this time, based on his decision making, he'll be with the baggage. Serves him right if you ask me...if not for my wife, he'd be getting used to WI winters.
All for now...hope you all travel well and think even better....
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Wade Revolution.....

Another great read to share with you all: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=jackson/070423&lpos=spotlight&lid=tab5pos1
Now I am biased some, an MU grad who did have the chance to meet Dwyane once on campus while in school (probably before anyone new who he was) but this cat is more than any previous baller you want to compare him to. He has already won a title, and won it by taking over 3 straight games against Dallas. He has All-Star games, endorsements that pay him 4 times what he earns for 82 games a year, and a personality that only Tiger Woods could rival.
Dwyane is simply special, the kind of guy you would trust your kids with the first day you met him. Dwyane's ability on the hardwood is impeccable....on the same level with the greats today and yesterday, and his accomplishments will continue to pile up.
The fact that he takes everything farther is what makes him special. He really does seem to care about 'everything' else in life away from hoops. He really appears to give a damn about kids, family, commitment, and the truly valued things in life.
I am not sure if Dwyane will ever win a Nobel Prize, or even another championship...but you can count on that fact that his mark on the world will be made...and it will be deep enough to see for decades after he moves on to something bigger and better....
Keep it up Dwyane...I will be rooting for you the whole way!
Friday, April 20, 2007
100 year old Hole-in-One.....

This spring chicken to the left is 100+ years old and jarred a 102 yard par 3 (with her driver) just this week. I don't know if she has had more than one ace during her century, but this accomplishment was very blog worthy.
My good pal nearly aced a much longer par 3 in Vegas (for ten grand mind you) and it was exciting.....the anticipation of not being able to see the ball as you approached the green....yada yada yada...but no such luck.
The amazing part to me is that this old bird probably had no clue she even holed it.....even with those coke bottle glasses, 100 yards is a long long way. Take a glance at the putting form and stroke though...she has game kids. Maybe she can give some advice to Michelle Wie?
I have played golf now for 15 years (much more in the last 5-7 years) and have been close to a hole-in-one a few times now. Close meaning that another revolution or two and I'd have it on the wall....(I recall the best one at Kohler's Meadow Valley course, signature hole #15, with Heath and Kevin, in the dark trying to finish. One of the best 7-irons I ever hit, to an inch or two). Getting a hole-in-one is really the icing on the cake for me. I don't think I will ever shoot a round at par (although I have on nine holes), mentally I am just not there....
The hole-in-one is that elusive (for some) part of golf that you think about now and again, but leave to luck. Since I am not lucky all too often, I best be on my way to the range.
Congrats to granny and her ace....I hope she leaves one or two out there for me and my pals....at this point seeing one of my buddies do it would be just fine (at least then I would know us hacks have a chance)!
Enjoy the sunny WI weekend kids....it's going to be a good one!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sports Fans (Good, Bad and Ugly)
(see http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070419/ap_on_re_us/okla__bombing_anniversary) for what not to do, even 12 years later). Leave these things alone, get every school in the country to commit to a PLAN for this, and move on.
With all the sadness, check this out for a good laugh:
I wanted to touch on a subject today that burns my ass every year. The terrible fans of the sporting world. Sure, every team has its great fan base, the die-hards, the guys that live and die with every play, pass, hit, tackle, etc.....but every team also has the shit-bag fans that act as if they could have made every play and called every shot better than the guys making millions. Unfortunately, some teams have many more than others (Chicago is full of them, Oakland, Philly, NY, and the list goes on).
I'll start with NY, mainly because evidence of this is very fresh in the minds of anyone that follows baseball. Even the novice baseball fan knows who Alex Rodriguez is....and that he makes $500 trillion dollars a year (actually roughly $27.7 million this year) to play for the Yankees. Now I have seen this first hand, so my opinion sticks on the wall like pancake mix, but Yankee fans suck. The vast majority of these morons know the game well, more than most fan bases nationwide as a matter of fact, but where the hell do they get off boo-ing one of the best players in the game for more than a decade??? They don't pay his salary, A-Rod didn't ask for more cash when he was traded from Texas, he simply wanted to play for a contender, for that chance at a ring. When I saw the Yanks play last year, (by the way, every Yankee fan should feel privileged to see games at that park, it's old sure...but what a feeling when you walk in, just like Lambeau for us Packer Backers, more history than any other park ANYWHERE, and I hate the Yanks, so it means a lot) and they lost to the Mariners. It was a great game though, Jeter making a running play in the hole and throwing off the jump as only he does so very well, a few long HR's, and a close finish. (This reminds me...Tuosto if you are reading this, call Tony (Sal Fasano's long lost brother minus the stache, and tell him he owes me a round of golf, and I will collect)
What pissed me off was that they boo-ed A-Rod every time he came to the plate, and after he batted, even when he got a hit. This boo-ing still happend all last year and even in the playoffs. Guess what??? A-Rod hit .290 had 35 HR's and 120+ RBI's and he stole 15 bases last year. IF that's not good enough in NY, send him to Milwaukee, we'll give you Gorman Thomas, Kevin Mench, $10Million in cash, and 5000 pounds of brats (with kraut) for him today, and we will never boo him and his piles of money.
What makes this all worse?? A-Rod is off to the best start in Yankee history....yep that's right kids...better than the Babe, the Mick, Joey D, Reggie, and any other Yank you can think of. He has 9 HR's in 13 games and 23 RBI's. If not for him, the Yanks would have 2 wins. Wake up New York, this guy is your only ticket to the dance these days. Your owner spends $200 Million a year on a line-up and you complain that it includes one of the best players in baseball, who's still the best baller on your entire roster.....grow up already, you won't have 27 titles anytime soon anyways!
Moving closer to home....ahhh Chicago. Love the city, it's not NY, but the next best thing. Food, drink, the lake, sports, great newspapers, and yet they still want to come to WI every weekend when the sun shines.....(makes you wonder just how great WI is, and we'll get to that).
Loving the city of Chicago as I do...I could git two turds about the people, mainly the sports fans. Now I know some of these folks personally, so I have a pretty solid opinion, but don't want to bird walk too far. I only cannot stand these folks when it comes to their Sox, Cubs, Bears, and Bulls (I could keep the Bulls out, but I am still bitter about the Jordan days...the guy was the best, no doubt, no argument, but the bandwagon was so full those 6-10 years that Mayor Daly was having to cut trees down in Grant Park to keep them all in one place. Look for a ticket to a Bulls game now, no problem, and they are pretty tough).
Bears fans...wow. They are horrible and even the good ones (my good buddy Jorge is pretty solid about being realistic) fall off the rocker now and again. Last year (ahh that hurts coming in second place, first loser, getting beat on, etc) is still fresh in my mind, and I know that all those Super Bowl Shuffling douche-bags were really sore after the Colts ran into the sunset. Now I don't dislike the Bears all that much, despite my love for the Pack, but cripes!!! Bears fans are as fickle as it gets. Soldier Field is nice now, and you could still get a ticket when the club was 8-0, and I'd bet you could get one even later than that without paying more than face value. In the last 10 years the Bears have had two solid teams, neither with an offense, that made it to the playoffs, and didn't seal the deal. Last year's team being the best of the two, was still not as good as the top 4 teams in the AFC. I'd have bet the farm on the AFC regardless of which team had gone (Pats, Chargers, Ravens, Colts). What's nice to know is that the Pack whipped that butt to end the year, and with key players making it clear that the organization sucked, leaving, and not caring if they sit out, the Bears will not be nearly as dominant, especially with Rex (Mr. 4TD's one week and 6 weeks off) as their QB. In all fairness though, the organization is junk. The owners have plagued that team for years. Now that they have a good coach, see if the folks of Chicago can dig up a new and improved ownership....cuz they WON'T win a ring with the ones in house now!
Staying in the windy City, but heading north....you have Cubs fans. Now, tickets are always sold, house is full, and the house is one of the best left. However, half of the assholes at Wrigley never see more than 3 innings of play. These pricks are too busy talking on their cell phones, typing on blackberry's, and worrying about what designer jeans they got on Michigan Ave the week before. It's a damn fashion/vanity palooza. I would wager that Stever Bartman knows more about Cubs baseball (and catches as well as many) than 80% of the folks that frequent Wrigley. Any team/fan base, that bashes a guy for doing WHAT EVERY OTHER FAN WOULD HAVE DONE TO A BALL COMING TOWARS THE STANDS, is lost and confused. They had to protect this guy at his home for weeks, for fear that one of Chicago's finest fans would jeopardize his health, physically...and when you really look back...the Cubs had no shot. Gonzalez booted a routine play at short, and they would have lost anyway. Will the Cubs ever win again....they may, but spending tons of cash on Soriano was the trick, the Brewers will win more games than the Cubs yet again this year and pay the team 50% less.
I won't touch on the WhiteSox at all....their fan base is so bad that the only city that would claim worse is Oakland, and for some reason those assholes are proud of the fact that they suck. Hell if Oakland's football fans shared "Comisky"with WhiteSox fans on the same day, the city of Chicago's literacy rate would drop farther than George Bush's presidency rating in a matter of hours, the local jails would be full, and illegal drug sales would sore past anything Nancy Reagan every imagined possible. Any place you go where fans run onto the field to abuse players, umpires, etc is junk. Making it worse, the Tribune tried to talk past these instances by stating that those fans "were not your typical WhiteSox fans". Really?? Seems to me they sat in some nice seats, next to people that appeared to be very similar in dress and socioeconomic status....and if you look around the stadium, you see a lot of the same...drunk, tactless, and poor sport fans.
We can skip Oakland (see above).
Philly, well see above (minus the fact that they actually know the game (football and baseball) and they always fill the stands).
I have touched on my love for the Packers...and I also follow the Crew and the Bucks, Warriors (MU), Badgers, etc. I will however start by ensuring that you know the Bucks suck. Buck fans in general suck. I think the NBA tried to get a second team in Chicago and just aimed to high. I cannot defend it, nor understand it, but Herby Kohl needs to sell that team to someone that knows a bit more about hoops.
College sports I have eluded so far, but if you can find me a better set of fans that UW has for football, and hoops, I'll be shocked. There are many on the same levels (ACC hoopsters have a solid gripe, and are probably better based on tradition, UT, FSU, Florida, etc for football all close, etc) but none that really surpass. Three years in a row SI has named Madison's campus as the best sports campus in the land, and if you have been, you know why. If you haven't, start saving for tickets to the UW/Michigan game this fall, you could spend $500 on tow tickets and not have spent too much, trust me. 80,000 fans, packed tight as hotdogs, screaming, waving and having the time of their lives. (If you haven't see the wave done in Madison, you haven't see the wave ever...slow motion, fast motion, reversed, and in tandem from one section to the opposite section, all so well done you'd think it was rehearsed weekly). Badger fans travel well too....they have purchased tickets for every bowl game, tourney games etc as well as any base in the country, and even when they lose, they still have a great time to finish off the weekend
Marquette, although much smaller, and in building mode thanks to savior Wade, is working very hard to create a similar tradition. I went to MU and when I was there we had three-four sell-outs a year, always the ESPN games on TV. Now a sell-out is much more frequent, and the yellow shirts are EVERYWHERE. Hopefully winning becomes the norm, and this tradition makes its way to the spotlight more in the Big East.
Packer fans....ahh what a group we are. Cheeseheads, Packer Backers, whatever you want to call us...we are the best sports fans there are. Losing seasons don't lose fans, Lambeau is always packed. Tailgating was invented in Green Bay, and if Lambeau held 20,000 more seats, they would be full, as soon as the last brat/bbq, and beer was finished in the parking lot. We have embraced a quarterback that others didn't give a chance, who has led us to the title, and who has made us go nuts in our living rooms, all while securing himself in history as one of the best of all time, ever. When you go to a game, and you hear his name announced, and he runs onto the field, you can literally feel the love....fans here LOVE our players, and Green Bay, as a city owns them. No sporting franchise in history has what GB has....ownership of its team. The Packers will never move, and no decision made in the organization is made without the major shareholders (the city of GB). Something that unique makes the fan base cherish the team, and truly respect what it provides that city, this state, and these people. There's a reason why you have to wait 61.6 years to get season tickets in GB....and it's simply because our fans are the best there are!
Obviously this blog represents my opinions, and any fan has similar feelings about their respective team, but claiming that your team's fan base is better than those in GB is really tough to swallow. New England's fans are solid, their ticket sales are great, their organization highly respected, and the successes recently all show great things.....and Buffalo, man those folks love their Bills and make it to games in 20 feet of snow....but it's not the same. It's just not the same.
At the end of the day....as a fan, you just hope that your teams following doesn't fall into the band-wagoner, drunken moron, law breaking categories. Fan bases can change...but the good fans have to take a stand, buy tickets, raise awareness, and keep out the garbage. For many teams out there this will take major change (removing Al Davis in Oakland, moving the Sox out of the South side of Chicago, banning cell phones at Wrigley, etc) but it can be done. Use GB as an example...and do your best to keep close......even if you are close, you are doing very very well!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Freedom, ahh how it has a price....
31 people are now dead....31. Why?? We'll know more soon, but it appears as though another troubled youth (speculation) went nuts at a school campus (VT) and decided to play God.
I am not going into the details...but would like to hear from readers out there....mainly why these things happen today. When I was a kid (granted from a small town in WI) we rode bikes, played ball, chewed gum, and built snowmen. The biggest trouble you caused was pulling your neighbor girl's pony-tail, toilet papering some one's house, picking on your siblings, lying about who broke what in the garage and left it there for Dad to find when he got home, etc.
As we got older, we may have gotten into a fight on the playground at school, or on the school bus, or a speeding ticket. Hell, kids I knew were afraid to get in too much trouble. Our parents would have whipped our ass. My mother showed up to my second grade classroom with a 15" X 4" (half and inch thick) paddle because I couldn't keep my trap shut (shocking huh). You think I talked much that afternoon....HELL NO!
My Dad was worse...(not bad, just scarier when he got mad at us). You KNEW that whatever he was going to do (or threatened) was as good as gold. He didn't play games....you got told something ONCE...and that was that. If you broke the rule (I did ONCE) you got the punishment (I'd share, but the ultra-liberal assholes out there might call for a protest and run the streets of Delavan worried about any fairly conservative parents out there still).
I am not going to say that you need to hit your kids to get a message across...you don't. What is missing in children today?? It's really easy to figure out. Kids in the 80's didn't shoot other kids, they didn't (at least not like today) rape other kids, they didn't even have the stabbings, gangs, etc.....they also didn't have parents filled with empty promises and threats. Kids today don't have FEAR. Fear is a fantastic motivator. I was scared that I wouldn't add up to the other kids when I was younger, and as I got older it held true. I didn't want to be less than average, or just average. I didn't want to beat the shit out of a few people that deserved it, or tell a bitch ass teacher to shove it....WHY???? Cuz I was scared of what would happen to me. I love my parents to death, but I feared them when I thought about punishments and disappointment.
Kids today have no fear. Parents give them what they want, make empty threats to punishments for poor behavior, allow them to talk back, provide access to games, tv, and other highly influential mediums that kids swarm to.
My previous post talks about the media, other focus on music (hip-hop, etc), but in the end our nation's parents SUCK. I am very new to parenting, but you can damn well mark it down that my kids will have respect for authority, elders, and everyone until the respect is unearned. Also to blame are the ultra-liberals in this country who have allowed for the lack of action a parent can take to reprimand bad behavior.
Guess what?? Spanking your kid is not wrong. People will say, oh, well there is a fine line there...sure there is. There is also a fine line with racism nowadays, gender discrimination, and sexual orientation. Slowly but surely, all of the freedoms people based this country on, are dwindling.
Tell me I am crazy, say my ramble here today is garbage, call me a fence riding, hair receding, cracker, I won't run to the nearest offices to punch in the media and raise holy hell. BUT, don't tell me that these 31 people died today because there are guns available (they have been available for years), don't tell me that parenting isn't somehow held responsible, don't tell me that our society didn't play a role in shedding lights on these horrific displays of murder by (whether we like it or not) martyring these folks as "extraordinary killers" or whatever crappy terminology they want to use. We bring up Columbine year after year...why? To remember the kids/teachers? Shit people, wake up! Leave these things alone, let them die and show the rest of the kids out there that these things will be quietly, yet highly effectively taken care of. Keep the media away...they make things worse every day. They got Imus fired, they blow up these murders, they give every asshole in this country a chance to make it LIVE.
From the Amorosa's on Trump's show (losing viewers like the Cubs losing games), to the Don Imus', to every asshole in pro-sports. If these folks, lie, cheat, rape, steal, etc, treat them just like every other person (just as we should in all cases)....put them in jail. For those folks in the public eye (or ear), when they say something dumb, targeted at you, or your general place in society, do waht mom told you when your brother picked on you or called you ugly....FUCKING IGNORE IT. Are we going to seriously fire everyone that makes a generalistic comment about race, even if not directed to piss on individuals?? If that was the case, our US workforce would be poorly under staffed. Ask yourself this to....had Jesse Jackson, Elton John, Arnold Governator, said something about whites, straights, or US citizens that was less than tactful, what would happen?? Would the media crush them, tell the story for a week, and help organizations scheme to get them fired, or chopped on the block?? My guess....nope...it would get swepted under the rug.
Again, Imus got what he deserved. My point, make it that way for everyone. Al Sharpton has been quoted as saying some pretty harsh things about "white America" yet he is rarely reviewed in the media at the level IMUS was. Hopefully Imus was fired becasue he called women he didn't know "HO's".....cuz from a racial perspective he said much less than other figures in media and was punished more severley than any (outside of Limbaugh).
For those kids that get wrongly accused (see Duke La Crosse players), punish the shit out of the accuser, and find a way to make peace with the victims (accused) and ease their transition into the mainstream. Again, thank you Mr. Media for ruining lives....amazing.
Media kids...media is the monster that keeps finding a way to keep the dark cloud over our country. Until they write about something of substance outside of crime, celebrity, and capitalism, and until they blow up stories on heroism, family values, and successes in life, it will look like rain....dark, and cloudy.
Hopefully I never get on CNN, they won't like what I have to say....