, not sure how to even begin a post today.......
31 people are now dead....31. Why?? We'll know more soon, but it appears as though another troubled youth (speculation) went nuts at a school campus (VT) and decided to play God.
I am not going into the details...but would like to hear from readers out there....mainly why these things happen today. When I was a kid (granted from a small town in WI) we rode bikes, played ball, chewed gum, and built snowmen. The biggest trouble you caused was pulling your neighbor girl's pony-tail, toilet papering some one's house, picking on your siblings, lying about who broke what in the garage and left it there for Dad to find when he got home, etc.
As we got older, we may have gotten into a fight on the playground at school, or on the school bus, or a speeding ticket. Hell, kids I knew were afraid to get in too much trouble. Our parents would have whipped our ass. My mother showed up to my second grade classroom with a 15" X 4" (half and inch thick) paddle because I couldn't keep my trap shut (shocking huh). You think I talked much that afternoon....HELL NO!
My Dad was worse...(not bad, just scarier when he got mad at us). You KNEW that whatever he was going to do (or threatened) was as good as gold. He didn't play got told something ONCE...and that was that. If you broke the rule (I did ONCE) you got the punishment (I'd share, but the ultra-liberal assholes out there might call for a protest and run the streets of Delavan worried about any fairly conservative parents out there still).
I am not going to say that you need to hit your kids to get a message don't. What is missing in children today?? It's really easy to figure out. Kids in the 80's didn't shoot other kids, they didn't (at least not like today) rape other kids, they didn't even have the stabbings, gangs, etc.....they also didn't have parents filled with empty promises and threats. Kids today don't have FEAR. Fear is a fantastic motivator. I was scared that I wouldn't add up to the other kids when I was younger, and as I got older it held true. I didn't want to be less than average, or just average. I didn't want to beat the shit out of a few people that deserved it, or tell a bitch ass teacher to shove it....WHY???? Cuz I was scared of what would happen to me. I love my parents to death, but I feared them when I thought about punishments and disappointment.
Kids today have no fear. Parents give them what they want, make empty threats to punishments for poor behavior, allow them to talk back, provide access to games, tv, and other highly influential mediums that kids swarm to.
My previous post talks about the media, other focus on music (hip-hop, etc), but in the end our nation's parents SUCK. I am very new to parenting, but you can damn well mark it down that my kids will have respect for authority, elders, and everyone until the respect is unearned. Also to blame are the ultra-liberals in this country who have allowed for the lack of action a parent can take to reprimand bad behavior.
Guess what?? Spanking your kid is not wrong. People will say, oh, well there is a fine line there...sure there is. There is also a fine line with racism nowadays, gender discrimination, and sexual orientation. Slowly but surely, all of the freedoms people based this country on, are dwindling.
Tell me I am crazy, say my ramble here today is garbage, call me a fence riding, hair receding, cracker, I won't run to the nearest offices to punch in the media and raise holy hell. BUT, don't tell me that these 31 people died today because there are guns available (they have been available for years), don't tell me that parenting isn't somehow held responsible, don't tell me that our society didn't play a role in shedding lights on these horrific displays of murder by (whether we like it or not) martyring these folks as "extraordinary killers" or whatever crappy terminology they want to use. We bring up Columbine year after year...why? To remember the kids/teachers? Shit people, wake up! Leave these things alone, let them die and show the rest of the kids out there that these things will be quietly, yet highly effectively taken care of. Keep the media away...they make things worse every day. They got Imus fired, they blow up these murders, they give every asshole in this country a chance to make it LIVE.
From the Amorosa's on Trump's show (losing viewers like the Cubs losing games), to the Don Imus', to every asshole in pro-sports. If these folks, lie, cheat, rape, steal, etc, treat them just like every other person (just as we should in all cases)....put them in jail. For those folks in the public eye (or ear), when they say something dumb, targeted at you, or your general place in society, do waht mom told you when your brother picked on you or called you ugly....FUCKING IGNORE IT. Are we going to seriously fire everyone that makes a generalistic comment about race, even if not directed to piss on individuals?? If that was the case, our US workforce would be poorly under staffed. Ask yourself this to....had Jesse Jackson, Elton John, Arnold Governator, said something about whites, straights, or US citizens that was less than tactful, what would happen?? Would the media crush them, tell the story for a week, and help organizations scheme to get them fired, or chopped on the block?? My would get swepted under the rug.
Again, Imus got what he deserved. My point, make it that way for everyone. Al Sharpton has been quoted as saying some pretty harsh things about "white America" yet he is rarely reviewed in the media at the level IMUS was. Hopefully Imus was fired becasue he called women he didn't know "HO's".....cuz from a racial perspective he said much less than other figures in media and was punished more severley than any (outside of Limbaugh).
For those kids that get wrongly accused (see Duke La Crosse players), punish the shit out of the accuser, and find a way to make peace with the victims (accused) and ease their transition into the mainstream. Again, thank you Mr. Media for ruining lives....amazing.
Media is the monster that keeps finding a way to keep the dark cloud over our country. Until they write about something of substance outside of crime, celebrity, and capitalism, and until they blow up stories on heroism, family values, and successes in life, it will look like rain....dark, and cloudy.
Hopefully I never get on CNN, they won't like what I have to say....
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