We have all read the stories...seen ESPN, Baseball Tonight, and every other sports telecast in the country. Now it is time for baseball's biggest cheater to step in the box and begin his chase towards the most coveted record in the league's history.
I have been a Hank Aaron fan my whole life....read his story as a kid and was convinced that he was one of the best ever....having endured true racism, threats, and playing in a day when technology wasn't a factor, and still bettering his peers in statistics and will. Henry's record over the Babe was legendary in its own right....and a record that will fall again to one of today's big hitters (I like A-Rod's chances, and Pujols will be right there next). But, Hank did it when it was deemed impossible, when bats were slugged out of Louisville and steroids weren't even used medically.
Barry Bonds, easily one of the top 5 players in MLB history (among others) has tarnished this great game, and will most likely tarnish its best record. I hope the day comes that Barry comes clean about his use of steroids as others have before him....to clean the slate. If we are going to have a new HR King, let's at least not have him be a liar too....
My son doesn't want the record to fall either, so he has pointed this canon towards the Bay Area, and hopes to shoot it off each time Barry swings his bat....hoping that he will strike out more often than not this year...
Andrew always has a back up plan too (I taught him that). Drew asked Uncle Clint to visit Barry should he approach 750 before the All-Star break....as you can see below...Barry wants no part of Uncle Clint....
Happy chasing Barry....but watch yo back brutha!

1 comment:
Well i dont really care for Barry Bonds, I dont think that if he breaks the record it will be tarnished. The simple matter of facts is cheating baseball has been pretty much the norm from day one spit balls, corked bats, stealing signs, etc. Barry Bonds gets drug tested like every other player in the game. i dont blame Barry for what has happened in todays game I blame Major League baseball for turning there heads. Now I do think Barry used Steroids, most likely and he may be a liar, but he like you said he is one of the top 5 all-time talents in baseball and this great achievement should not be overlooked. I agree Bonds is the last guy i want to break this record but it will be broken probably 2 more times before our lifetime. The game has a black eye because of this scandal but it is hard to blame individual players who may have cheated within the rules of the game.
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