Read the following.....
This first piece is interesting to me. I don't follow the happenings on Capital Hill all too often, but now and again I dive in to see what our poor excuse for leadership is up to. This article, plastered all over the web this morning brings up a big and controversial issue.....hypocrisy in politics. We know it exists, it happens everyday....but Mike Rogers has taken things to a personal level, and distributed that info for the masses.
Mike is a closet cleaner (my definition). He exposes politicians who are 'allegedly' gay, yet who seem to stay on a republican track to limit and hinder gay rights. It seems only republican to have your gay colleagues working against there own cause, and then heading home to share in their gay lives. I suppose being openly gay as a republican isn't too great for your job security and advancement...just ask Dan Gurley....old George wasn't having him on his team once the news rolled out about his choice in lovers. And then well published Mr. Foley....what a dipshit this guy was. Online dirty chats with under aged young men....
I am all for gay politicians....I personally have found that gay folks are much less apt to lie...stereotype, maybe....but why not have a politician that is bluntly honest, rather than sneaky and full of shit.
Back to Rogers and his public closet cleaning.....I have no real issue with it. If the politician was elected by voters who assumed he was straight...then he/she was dishonest to begin good would you feel knowing that as a voter/supporter to that campaign? I'd be pissed....not because of the chosen sexuality of the candidate, but because of the lies, and misleading facts.
I hope Rogers continues to label these people...and I wish someone else would kick around the idea of starting a full site dedicated to all the folks on Capital Hill....especially the guy in charge....let's all work together to clean up the entire house, not just the closets. Gay, straight, bi, or whatever other label you want to have sexually, a liar is a liar folks...and there are way to many damn liars in Washington. Keep up the good work Mike....
The second article I read this morning was space related....yeah stars, planets, solar systems, etc....SPACE. Do any of you have any clue how much money this country spends on space travel and research?? Check this out:
"Taxpayers around the world pay $25 billion in taxes every year for civilian government space activities - but barely 2% of that money is spent on trying to reduce the cost of travel to space! Yet less than one single year of that spending would be enough to develop passenger launch vehicles, and to open space up to us, the general public - who are the people paying all those taxes, year after year!"
This figure doesn't even take into consideration the billions of dollars that our US Gov't funds to space travel, research, etc.....come on already. This country has trillions of dollars of debt, homeless, jobs outsourced at incredible rates to under-developed countries, rising interest rates, poor housing markets, yada yada yada, and we spend billions on playing games in outerspace??? Hell, for all the money, I believe the quote above is correct....since we as taxpayers fund all that cool scientific bullshit, that has led to nothing to improve the quality of our lives, we should get to go see it.
Between space and global warming research, we could really do some great things to improve education, health care, and our overall economy. My solution...take half the money spent on space each year and find a way to build larger reserves of water in this country. It won't be long before the western half of the US has a shortage....and of course, our gov't leaders are in reactive, rather than proactive mode....
Lastly....the Duke Lacrosse saga with the right guy on the stand. Why is there even a question about the disbarment of this asswipe??? Why do we need to use more tax dollars, court fees, etc to make a very easy decision??? This guy did his job worse that one could imagine, and in doing so, damaged the lives of three college kids forever....
Shit, if I acted like a complete jerk-off on a sales call, or a meeting with a customer, I would lose my job that pay, no apologies, go home and start learning the McDonald's handbook. Fire this guy, take his license away to practice anything law related and hand him the pink paper....plain and simple.
Also, grab that pole dancing hoochie and put her in jail too....or at least put her in a building with padded wall rooms and white robed doctors to find out what her problem is....better yet, put her and Nifong in the same clinic...they can take meds together, play checkers and take walks with their ankle bracelets....

Hey...I'm Justin. I'm a husband, devoted father, and I often have too much to say. Maybe if I write more, I will talk less? Maybe not. Either way, I hope you read, enjoy and share your thoughts. Family, funny, sports, and anything outside is exciting to me and I hope to share as much as I can. Be well, work hard, laugh often, and make good decisions!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Random Thoughts Friday
It's been some time since I last there is some catch up to do....
Here are some updates that span from coast to coast:
Here are some updates that span from coast to coast:
- Barry Bonds needs a day off every three games and is batting less than .250 over the last month with only 1 HR. I LOVE he is in NY, and can't seem to reach base at all.
- Clint, good ole boy, was named Employee of the Month at Wal-Mart Distribution in May...CONGRATS!
- My good buddy Albert and his lovely new bride tied it up two weeks ago, and should have just gotten home from a great trip to Hawaii, and my favorite island of Kauai. Thanks for the pineapple kid!
- The new Skogen house is coming along...our pre-drywall walk through is June 5th!!
- Damn interests rates are on the rise...where's a good ole market crasher speech from Greenspan when you need it?
- The Brewers are still in 1st place kids. They have struggled some of late (bullpen sucks, time for Turnbow to go) but the central is anyone's to take this year.
- As of today, JJ Hardy is the National League MVP, and he makes a whopping $400K a year!!!
In other news...I just read an article about a group of Indian lawyers in Arga that tied a man to a tree outside a courthouse and beat him silly. Why?? Because he wouldn't marry the niece of one of the lawyers. After reading this and thinking twice...all I could come up with was the fact that that broad must have been really ugly!!!
Until next time....
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