Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is it time for Favre to sail away???

Hot topic this week after Favre's angry comments about how management failed to lure Randy Moss prior to and during this year's draft.

Go to and listen to the Big Show podcast with Olbermann and Patrick. I used to like Oberman, and for the first time sided with Patrick.

I am a Packer fan and somewhat biased. HOWEVER, I am the first guy in line to smack Favre for his prayer long balls, his double coverage mistakes, and his tendency to try to "fit it in" with that arm that doesn't seem to have faded over the years. The question here is is it time to walk away....and my answer is simple...NO.

Before I justify my response, let's talk over the podcast topics. Patrick figures Favre is still a top ten QB in the NFL....hard to argue, yet Olbermann says there's no chance. Here is a list of the guys that Olbermann feels are better today (and my thought):

Manning (agree), Palmer (agree), Brady (I'll catch hell, but I agree today), Bulger (no), Brees (no), Vick (no), McNair (no), Hasslebeck (no), Big Ben (no), Rivers (not a chance), Pennington (no), Romo (no, Olbermann said if Favre went to Dallas, he would play Romo), Eli (no way), JP Losman and Grossman were "maybe" and Jake Delhomme was the first that Olbermann said was not as good as Brett.

Listen people, I will make this simple for all. Brett Favre IS, plain and simple one of the best 3 QB's to ever play football....PERIOD. Of the guys above, only one of them will be in that category at the end of his career....and one other close (Manning and Brady respectively). Manning may just lead that group in my mind, and Brady will be in there because he has hardware...although like Montana he played on GREAT teams....but he's solid.

Favre is also still performing very well on a young team that lacks offensive weapons and a running game. Favre has earned the right to complain about Ted T's lack of moves and effort to increase the potency of the have all of us cheese-head fans. The Packers were 8-8 last year, had three losses by a combined 8 points, and won 4 straight to end the season, beating a full first squad Chicago team (in Chicago) to close it out. To think that any QB on the Packer roster, or any QB other than Brady or Manning could come in there and make this a playoff team is possible...but my thought is that Favre can do it this year.

The 06 Packers were average, and began the climb to playoff potential late. The NFC still sucks ass, and will provide an open door to any team that can be competitive week in and week out. I think the Packer's D is better, young, and talented. If they can somehow find a running game, and score a few more points, they can play in January....and you can bet Favre can still do what it takes to win then.

Provided I am wrong this year, then yes, Farve should take his records, ring, and legend to Canton....and call it a career. All I ask is that Aaron Roger isn't the guy that takes over...I bet Randy Wright still has more arm than that CA kid...

Either way Keith O needs to get off the Kallio diet and stick to his new day job on politics, not sports....(I knew there was a reason he moved over the fence....his sports knowledge is as solid as Hugh Hefner without the little blue pill).

Back to WI this weekend for a blessed union of friends....see you all soon!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Keep your Butts to Yourself...

1. My apologies for not posting in some time.
2. Screw you, I have been really busy.
3. Read this article:

I have witnesses to this...and I am proud to say I have actually stopped people on the road in their cars after they have thrown cigarette butts out the window. I simply ask them a question, "Does that car happen to have an ashtray??" Most of the time the not so surprising answer is, "why yes it does!" My response,"then why the hell don't you use it!!!"

Listen people, I don't care if you smoke. Hell, I don't care if you smoke 5000 of them a day, get cancer and die slowly. You choose to smoke, and therefore are choosing to play with the fire. Honestly, I don't even mind the smoking in bars (but it is nice to not smell like an ashtray when you leave). At the end of the day...smoking is a choice, and you have the right to choose. DO NOT have the right to spread your butts all over nature. That's its clearest form. Littering sucks folks....plain and simple, it's wrong. Littering with your cigarette butts, that are not biodegradable is even worse.

Cars have ashtrays, so do bars and restaurants, USE THEM.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Traveling Thoughs....

My family moved from WI to CA this week.....somewhat of an epic for a family of 3 (well 5 really, little brother came along and Harvey the cat, who will arrive shortly...more on that later).

Being the 'experienced' traveler....I drove the family car out (packed tightly with the valuables you wouldn't trust a moving company with) and little bro followed in his car behind. Mom and Drew took the plane with Gramma....

I have driven from WI to CA now four times (three times on Hwy 80, and the other heading south through AZ, NM, etc. What I find amazing about these trips (as I type in Reno, on the last short leg of this journey) is how much the world changes. When you drive for 25 hours in two days, you tend to think about anything and everything. My thoughts traveled as far as the car did this time.....

First, technology is amazing. Cells phones and coverage have changed the security, and landscape of long distance travel. Walkie Talkies can now transmit dialogue over 10+ miles....(BTW, if you do road trip with multiple vehicles, invest in makes things more fun and safe).....and you never really need to take a day off work if you rely on a pc. There's cell coverage in Wyoming (yes sir, even cowboys carry them), there's wireless, or high-speed Internet at every hotel, and our cars now tell us exactly how many miles we can travel on a tank of gas. I truly cannot begin to imagine what it was like to travel this way in a 1950's Ford, on a dirt road, where the next gas station may not be for a hundred or two miles.....and should you not make that station...the walk is inevitable. Props to the early travelers for sure....

Secondly, time in the car is great when you are under stress. We are building a home, moving across the country, renting another home, using a moving company, etc... This can weigh on folks me on this. Being in the car, thinking about things over and over, one can come to conclusions and debate well. I ran through things time and time again...and always seemed to come to the same conclusion (much thanks to the lady at the BP station in far west Nebraska); We all have way too much to be thankful for to sweat the THINGS in life. I have a beautiful kid who's personality is growing everyday.....I have a spectacular wife who deals with my BS and takes care of us all....and I have a family that will truly miss my bro and I back home. My new house could crumble...the moving company dump my shit somewhere in Nevada's desert, and my car not start ever again, and I will still be winning the race of life. Folks, when you think things are overwhelming, you get bogged down some (not to sound like shitbag Dr. Phil here), really think about what you HAVE....not what you can's a great motivator.

Moving on.....never say good-bye. Thinking through this in Colorado...I am sticking to my ways. I am not a good-bye person. Good-byes, well they suck. Good-bye to me is, so long...not going to see your ass again. Good-bye is when you say, we'll see you soon, and you are full of shit. I don't say it....hug, hand shake, and a "until next time" works well for me. Leaving a place where you grew up (again), where you built life-long friendships, is not easy....don't add to the difficulty with a shitty good-bye.

Speaking of friends...Clint are a damn good one. I have been blessed with many good ones...and a handful of GREAT. Good thing I have two hands...cuz a new one was added. You always say it big guy...."I owe you one...or more."

Lastly for now (need breakfast soon), Harvey. Harvey is the Skogen family pet. He's a skittish cat, now 6 years old, who spends a lot of his life under the bed, in his self-made hammock (he rips a hole in the box spring cover and settles in. This is also his, "they are coming to take me to the vet or on a plane again!!!! RUN!" place to hide. Harvey found this place at my mom's house and didn't want to make the trip on the plane. To make a long story short....even my "highly experienced" neighbor couldn't help my mother-in-law, wife, and mother to get him in the travel bag. In fact he bit my mom, and refused, angrily, to cooperate. He'll make it out here on a plane, but this time, based on his decision making, he'll be with the baggage. Serves him right if you ask me...if not for my wife, he'd be getting used to WI winters.

All for now...hope you all travel well and think even better....